What if my insurance changes? On the 1st of the month, we check eligibility, and if your insurance has changed to one that we don't carry, or if you're not eligible for that month, we will mail you a letter. We will also let your therapist know so that sessions can be temporarily stopped.
How do I contact Medicaid if I desire to change my plan? You can call Medicaid Options at 888.367.6554 to review/change your plan. You can also obtain additional information at Medicaid: http://www.flmedicaidreform.com/index.html
How do I enroll in Medicaid?To enroll call 1-866-76-ACCESS or apply online: https://dcf-access.dcf.state.fl.us/access2florida/access/scrflwelcome.do?performAction=init
If the link doesn't work, go to http://www.myflorida.com/accessflorida/and then click Apply for Benefits
Where can I find a list of updated Medicaid plans?You can find the list in AHCA's website here - http://www.fdhc.state.fl.us/mchq/managed_health_care/MHMO/index.shtml
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